Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thank goodness.


Anonymous said...

Awwww...how sweet!

Mad Monk said...

I wish my wife would believe you, and she's only 31!

A Paperback Writer said...

Very idealistic. How it would be in a perfect world.
My ex-husband, however, left as soon as I was fast converging on 35 and could not fit in a size 8. Such is reality for way too many of us.
Still, I like reading fairy tales, so thanks.

Anonymous said...

When some one is in love, I think this is true :) Very sweet indeed, this one!

Anonymous said...

a paperback writer:
My ex-husband told me throughout our marriage "I could never love you if you were fat....just so you know." No surprise why I finally chose to leave. But now, ten years after we split, (yes, ten!) the first man to come into my life has told me "I love you...I think you're beautiful...no matter what." So those wonderful, caring guys really do exist, even though it's not a perfect world.

Don't settle for less than you deserve.

A Paperback Writer said...

glad you found someone. I hope he stays just that wonderful. Mine said he was mine "for eternity." He lied.
Oh well. there are worse things in life than being single.
And I still like fairy tales.

Unknown said...

Absolutely, very sweet! And YAY for jean! For mad monk and paperback writer, there must be corollaries to this. Too bad flaws of the heart/soul are not so easily seen as wrinkles, scars, and love handles.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what's sweeter... the post or mad monk's response.

Aditya said...

brought a smile to my face :)

Anonymous said...

even better, they say your scars add character.

A Paperback Writer said...

wow, caren, that's a slap in the face! Ouch!

Anonymous said...

a paperback writer:
There are a LOT worse things than being single, that's for sure! I say: never lower your standards...and don't ever settle for less, just for the sake of not being alone. It's just not worth it in the long run. There's nothing lonelier than being trapped in a broken relationship. Life is just TOO SHORT!!!

Anonymous said...

But still I think this isn't that idealistic... In a case of deep and sincere love, those little things really aren't a problem, you don't even see them. You only see the beautiful things. Her blue eyes, her way of kissing you, her laugh etc.

Kits said...

Tres nice!

A Paperback Writer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Paperback Writer said...

Yes, Jean, that's while I'm 7 years single now -- and probably will be for the rest of my life.
Mike, my dad's like you (my parents have been married 59 1/2 years), but most men are not. Whoever's got you is a dang lucky woman. I was married 14 years, and the only thing he every told me he liked about my looks was that I had good posture. Oh well, I never claimed to be a beauty queen. I thought he loved me anyway because of personality (he said he did). But he took off. Such is life. It's reality for lots and lots of women. We get old. We get pudgy. Men lose interest.
But I STILL like this index card and think it's clever.

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I have only been together for a year and a half, but I think we're right for each other. This index card made him giggle with glee and made me cry. I know marriage is a hard thing, but Jessica, you give me hope.

We've both gained some weight since we started dating and we're working on losing it together, but he says he doesn't care about my pudge. I know he's balding young, and I certainly don't care. :)

Just so you know, I'm tearing up while writing this. Love can be so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Thank god this is true, if not I'd be in trouble.

Moda di Magno said...

Believe in dreams peeps, for sometimes that is what you have.

Anonymous said...

count my spouse among the good, when I remark about my grey roots (which I've been coloring since age 24, almost 20 years now) he tells me I shouldn't worry about it.

Anonymous said...

that is so awfully sweet... (turns into mush)

Anonymous said...

So sweet.

Anonymous said...

mike said, "In a case of deep and sincere love, those little things really aren't a problem"


And also what caren said about internal flaws.

Mad Monk said...

My wife just gave birth so she's particularly sensitive to her body right now.

To me, she's sexier than ever. Curves are hawt.

The new boobs are great too.

I just wish she wouldn't feel bad about herself. But as she says, "If this was the price to get her (the baby) then it was worth it."

Anonymous said...

Mad monk - Congratulations! Just from the comments of yours I've read, I'm sure your daughter will grow up to be an incredibly beautiful person. (She probably already is, yeah?)

Mad Monk said...

Unfortunately she looks a lot like her dad right now, but apparently that's an old cave-man thing that is designed to make me bond with her so I can help out more with the baby and the chores.

Apparently, after a baby is born, a man is most sexy after vacuuming. Who knew? She even brought me home a six pack one night because she and the baby had to get out and I had to clean...so far so good.

Anonymous said...

Jean - I am so glad to know YOU dumped HIM.

Anonymous said...

A Paperback Writer said: Mike, whoever's got you is a dang lucky woman.

Thanks! My girlfriend seems very happy too, it's great :)

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing too, as I've got plenty of wrinkles from worrying too much (and I'm only 16, but they show horribly), and some not-so-plesant scars from other things... like being attacked by a guitar string from above my left eye to my right cheek. Then again, my girlfriend's the one with the scar that goes halfway across her hand on both sides from a rotary saw and the scar from wrist to elbow (same hand) from falling from the second level of the scaffolding and catching a nail on the way.

Anonymous said...

wellll... i see the love handles when i'm displeased, but they do magically vanish most of the time.

his "laugh lines" were always so very charming.

paperback, it seems like the comment about character flaws was aimed at you and jean's exes, not you and jean, but i can see how it would be misunderstood. unfortunately, love does blind us to more serious flaws, too, on a more temporary basis.

Anonymous said...

So sweet!! The drawing, however, does remind me of my mom's pan for poached eggs,

Arbit Orbit said...

How cute.

When i was growing up i had a check list of the perfect guy I would date, but it's amazing how love makes you focus on the essence and leave out the superfluous.

what a sweet depiction. I like it.

AnaDrea said...

I shared this with my lovey. He agreed. Thank you. :)

Heather said...

I just love the geekiness of putting it in a Venn diagram. I had to do those for Cognitive Psych last year. Good times ;) This is very sweet.

bfk said...

and also mistresses in some scenarios... sorry to mess up the really sweet comments with cynicism

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