Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Always. Everyone. Everywhere.


Anonymous said...

... though in some cases B doesn't completely overlap A (or even C, what their resume says they can do), frustrating the person in question's coworkers.

Mr. Pseudonym said...

It's very true, both you and anon. It's very difficult to first get the job, then show how much you can do at the job once you're there.

Anonymous said...

or B can sometimes be "what you are expected to do" ? Nice one, as such.

gajman said...

Another take is a subset of A called C where C=What you actually do! This is your typical slacker at work! :)
I'm a new blogger - would appreciate some comments/feedback on mine. Cheers.

Ravages/CC said...

That's me! That's me!

maurik said...

i think A should have been a little outside of B too :P

Ooie said...

This is such a great Idea... the whole "indexed" thing...

Thanks for being awesome. Your stuff ("blog"... "comic"...?) is throughly entertaining.


Dave said...

It's sad how true this is.

Anonymous said...

In 15 years of work I have yet to actually see a job description.
Is there any chance we can take A off the diagram?

Dan said...

Yes! Brilliant once again (as always). Very astute insight, clearly and cleverly stated.

I love this site!

Zimm said...

A third circle, "C", should capture a fraction of "A" and a fraction of "B", but should mostly contain only itself. C = what your boss asks you to do.

Anonymous said...

At my company, C would be "What you are expected to do," and it would not intersect with A or B

Seaurchin said...

lol...replace "can" with "must".

Seaurchin said...

Just as funny and probably true.

A "what you can really do"

B "what your resume says you can do"

hehe so funny.

amitscorpio said...

so true!!!

B.D. Collier said...

There is C - what you actually do, a subset of A, and D - what you are expected to do, which is too large to fit on the card.

Jess said...

For me it is what my job description says and what I actually do. I end up doing three people's jobs.

Anonymous said...

does b include "things you were specifically told you wouldn't have to do but end up doing anyway, just til 'amy' (whom no one has ever seen) gets back"?

Katie said...

I have to echo the third comment:

or B can sometimes be "what you are expected to do" ?


Anonymous said...

I have, unfortunately, worked with people where A and B are reversed. And A is even smaller than that.

Shan said...

Also, often there is a big circle for what you do in your job and in it, a little circle for what your job descriptions says.

Anonymous said...

Heh. I think A tends to be "what you're paid to do" and B is "everything else you have to do as well" :)

Gary K said...

Very true! Awesome blog, by the way. I can't wait for the book.

Nigel Auchterlounie said...

B is what I do.
A is what I'm paid for.

Anonymous said...

as a tech support rep for an airline I'd like to say that my office is actually the opposite...

have popcorn will lurk said...

big circle C = "Other Duties As Assigned"

have popcorn will lurk said...

Need a graph! Need a graph!

x= new college graduate's enthusiasm at new job (high to low)

y= amount of time it takes to get written up for pestering the marketing manager for a promotion when new college graduate has failed to reach quotas for stuffing whatsits into thingamabobs (low to high)

"Welcome to the real world, kid!"

Or something like that!

Scott McLeod said...

A = what schools ask students to do

Anonymous said...

Tremendous elegance and simplicity in the diagram.

My experience is that the size of the respective circles is a function of the individual's maturity, experience and skill.

Some folks who are new to positions are not close to being able to execute all of the elements of their job. In time, with experience, training and effective coaching, their circle expands.

robert edward cenek, RODP
Uncommon Commentary on the World of Work

some guy said...

you are so awesome.

Sandra said...

Heh. Another take is what your job title implies that you do (laneserver), and what you actually do (laneserve, snackbar, ball and shoe, lane placement, league secretary/recorder, Tournament Director...).
Care to guess which job my hourly pay reflects?

Anonymous said...

C: (subset of A) What you actually want to do

Anonymous said...

great blog

Anonymous said...

So that we should always think outside the box in order Not to kill your creativity. Otherwise, after some years as an employee, you are doomed to become a square draining out all of your possible creativity and innovativeness....Do what you should do and don't let the boundaries tie you up thru the end of the day. Remember, you are what you are and you should always reserve your creativity and resourcefulness.

manganssister said...

I work for a recruitment agency, can I send this to candidates when I send them their confirmation for interviews?

krishna said...

C(what i actually do) is a single dot. inside A of course.

Keisa Williams said...

Love it!

(c) 2006, 2007, 2008