Monday, January 29, 2007

We're all going to Hell.


Hans Mundahl said...

Holy cow - that one is dense!

Yeah, BD was my saturday too :)

Anonymous said...


I love your one-cell-strip, congratulations. ^_^

Will said...

I haven't finished reading this one. But I like.

Will said...

Done now. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Best heptagon I've seen in ages.

Anonymous said...

LOL Nice one!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Right now, Demitri Martin is on Comedy Central doing his little comedy graphs, and I can say with confidence that yours are far more insightful and far, far more intelligent. And much more fun. :D

Thank you for creating this blog!

Anonymous said...


Jessie Giliane said...

SO ridiculous...I love the way you think. Keep up the great work.

KG said...

Wow. Well done! Very thorough!

Anonymous said...


ABD - Watching Padma Lakshmi on "Top Chef."

ACE - Keeping one's pimp hand strong

BDG - Liposuction


Anonymous said...

holy shit! honestly, that is amazing. where does this come from and when are you gonna make it big?

S. Nichole said...

This one is great!

Would you consider making this one available as a t-shirt?

Anonymous said...

<AOL> Me too! </AOL>
I would definitely buy this one on a t-shirt if it came in my size.

Anonymous said...

I love that you actually took the trouble to construct an actual heptagon :)


krishna said...


You know what they say about girl carpenters? said...

I hope you don't mind that I am a little bit in love with you.

Moominmama said...

Dude, that is fantastic. I am suddenly reminded of religion classes in my 12 years of Catholic education, which were not fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Astonishing! Genius!
I send the url address to my math teacher so she would be finally able to explain the pupils how mathematics can be used in everyday life ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely speechless! That is amazing!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Almost brilliant. You need to replace the A-G letter labels with meaningful letters. Use the first letter of each sin (with Greed replaced by Avarice, for uniqueness). Then it will be possible look at WE = Cattiness and see imediately that it refers to Wrath and Envy.

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite one so far. And I second axegrinder's suggestion for filling in the 2-simplices in the graph with something.

feoh said...

You've outdone yourself. I really enjoy this blog, and this entry takes the cake.

Unknown said...

I bow to your genius.


Athaualpa said...

very nice!

Shamrock said...

Haha, I love this.

Anonymous said...

This is truly the most fantastic of them all. It took me a minute to actually read and connect them all, but once I was done...
Just hilarious/amazing.
(Btw- I adore your site!)

bozoette said...

This is my absolute favorite of all.

Anonymous said...

Graphic venting, but love it!
You say it while we wish we had. tx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

T-shirt it!

Soooo excellent


Jessica Hagy said...

Yay, friendly Blog people!
Hugs to everyone who showers.

Okay then, this one is now a shirt.

Note to t-shirt wanters: I know the site I've got now isn't the best ever, and a new store is in the works. Thanks for all the feedback.

Hold tight, and you shall be rewarded!

Anonymous said...

Possibly the best yet! For the record reddit .

Anonymous said...

This is freaking brilliant..

Good to go !!!


Anonymous said...

I can certainly see the humourous nature of this, but welfare a deadly sin? for someone with a religious bent there is an obvious lack of compassion. wait this makes perfect sense.

Dee said...

amazing--this one's brilliant. I don't care if somebody else already said that. You ought to know.

joeythehobo said...

Your best yet!

Huw Richardson said...

I'd love a t-shirt of this one as well. And look:
You made it into other blogland.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

When this drawing showed up on GetReligion, a friend of mine liked it so much she forwarded it to me.

Totally hilarious; great job!

Maxine Dangerous said...

LOVE. IT. :]

Anonymous said...

awesome post! the shirt's totally mine.

jimmycity said...

I'm so happy that so many people are discovering you and praising you for your work. You are so special, so unique, and I've just used the word "so" four times in two sentences. Five, if you count that last one.

We love you, Jess.

Unknown said...

Can you label all the faces of the 6-simplex in the same way? Actually, I think even 2-skeleton will be impressive.

Great job, BTW.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've seen this done on a threadless tee shirt - but not as good.

dbspin said...

Welfare is a sin? How American. No doubt poverty is a lifestyle too.

sQ*eeky said...

hehehe! 'fat men in speedos'...Only thing funnier is seeing someone get hit in the balls by accident.

Anonymous said...

OMG. I'm totally gonna burn.

Sharpie said...

that is amazing!

Mariah said...

Hahaha, Go Ina!

...and who are all these people calling you brilliant and forwarding things to their math teachers?

mohnkern said...

But I don't see Spam :)

Anonymous said...

hey dbspin... get a job man and earn your own man.

ani said...

this is just wat i needed to make me smile on a day like today! :D u rock dude!!!!!

Unknown said...

are the t-shirts out yet? i want one!

Anonymous said...

I like it. Now I shall be referring to my friends and co-workers as EF9, etc

Anonymous said...

thank you -you made this lapsed Catholic's day!

Anonymous said...

Bulemia is a disease, not a sin. The rest of them I can float with, but that one's a bit offensive.

Anonymous said...

I'd like a tee, too!

Anonymous said...

I realise now I haven't left my email address -

Anonymous said...

Awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

To the person who said: "Bulemia is a disease, not a sin. The rest of them I can float with, but that one's a bit offensive."

Get over yourself. Really. This is some hilarious stuff.

Anonymous said...

Will you please be my best friend? You are beyond cool.

Yes, I too, would like to buy it as a shirt. If not the basis for a cult I would like to join!

Anonymous said...

I want to chime in about the "Welfare" tag too, speaking as someone whose family was actually on welfare for a couple of years. Not much envy involved, trust me.

"Wishing You Were on Welfare," on the other hand, would make sense.

Unknown said...

Odd. I don't see hummers on here at all.

Anonymous said...

I see this one gets the oooo-aahh -- but frankly they are very well done--are you a symbolic logic junky? Be very careful -- you are bordering on metaphysics -- and then you might have to take things seriously -- yikes! The Q-card thing -- as presentation -- should inspire gobs of people to beleive in their ability to be novel!!! Not that my opinion matters -- but I give it two shaggys to the Hagy and one shizzel to the top 'o the Hizzel!!!!! Oh no I'm getting way too excited and I think I may have just ----- bookmarked!!

Sassan Sanei said...

Amazing. Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

The only change I would suggest is to bulimia.

Gluttony+Wrath= Vegan. Don't know about the rest of you, but I've never met a vegan who wasn't kinda cranky.

Anonymous said...

Wrath and Sloth ... that's "Atom bomb", isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Lust + Sloth = Masturbation?

I mean, finding a sex partner, you know, takes effort, which is totally the opposite of Sloth.

DharmaTurtle said...

Congrats on making the Digg front page. At least 2151 people have seen your comic. Too bad the post didn't link to your blog.

Patrick Micka said...

This is a fantastic blog! I found this image tagged on a few days ago but couldn't figure out where it was from. Thanks to a little help from I've found you. Great work.

Anonymous said...

Bulimia is not a disease. It is a mental condition.

Heather said...

pure brilliance!

Anonymous said...

i hope this chart will lead to a sequal of "se7en", my favorite one :)

Anonymous said...

SMfC said...
holy shit! honestly, that is amazing. where does this come from and when are you gonna make it big?

11:48 PM
hey... she just made it big... getting godined at

Douglas said...

A brilliant depiction of K7, the complete graph on seven vertices. The only thing I would have done differently was giving the vertices the first letters of the corresponding deadly sins, thus spelling out PEWSLAG.

amitscorpio said...

The most wonderful post ever seen in blog world!!!
Gr8 going!!!

Anonymous said...

Very clever and SO TRUE.

Anonymous said...

maybe the direction matters. e.g. a --> b may not equal b --> a.

Anonymous said...

Just discovered this blog (via Pharyngula).
I love it!
The basic idea is brilliant, the way you keep on having gret ideas is amazing...
Please keep it up

Anonymous said...

Very nice . . . change BD (Gluttony/Sloth)to "Room Service?

HellZiggy said...

Heard about you on Penn's show today.
Great stuff!


Will S. said...

congrats for making it onto the radio! great stuff.

Razel said...

Just heard this on Penn Radio.
Great stuff.
Keep up the hilarity.

Marie said...


Anonymous said...

You - Miss, Mrs, Ms, and/or Ma'am atre simply brilliant!

Troll said...

Congrats. I heard about this on the Penn Jillette Radio Show. Good stuff!

PsychoToddler said...

Fair assessment.

Anonymous said...

Have you read of Ramon Llull? The diagram is an example of his Ars Magna.

Berto said...

Simply awesome!

Thanks for making the internet a more interesting medium...

WistfulSparrow said...

It must have taken so long to think of everything.

Anonymous said...

Gosh! Is life THAT depressing? i wonder how upset one should be to start using geometry figures in a post!

Anonymous said...

just heard about this on Penn Jillett radio podcast. Love It!

Anonymous said...

Just heard about this on Penn Jillette radio podcast. Love It!

Thanks for this.

Adam said...

Hilarious! Excellent work :)

Bishop Alan Wilson said...

Immaculate Conception said...

This is brilliant. Kind of a die for Dungeons & Dragons of the Marqui de Sade.

Douglas Bienert said...

Love the diagram. I laughed out loud (at the coffee shop) when I read "edible undies" and "fat men in Speedos" along with their corresponding letters. If only the class I took in Moral Theology used such real life examples it might have been more interesting!

Anonymous said...

This was hilarious! I laughed out loud at "edible undies" and "fat men in speedos". Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

I kinda ran with ur comic. Didn't know it was yours at the time. I'll update to give credit. Just thought I'd give you a chance to look.

Here it is

Anonymous said...

Does it bother anyone else that the last label is GF, not FG?

Anonymous said...

EF = cattiness = my favorite!

Anonymous said...

This is a great site. Thank you for your information. I THANK YOU I SALUTE YOU IT,S A AMZING SITE.

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

Raison d'ĂȘtre said...

Hola me!!

Certain things that prove Math is very interesting indeed.. i am mailing this link to my school's principal.. lol..

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