Monday, February 04, 2008

So grounded.


Kell said...

Yowsa! This is a little stinging! (but funny)

soundboy said...

beer consumption powers both.

Anonymous said...

nonono!!! The toilet paper COVERS the trees! (evil grin)

Flashback: 1985, Brunswick, Ohio... 83 rolls of toilet paper swaying in the breeze from the trees of a friend's house. Aaaah, it was beautiful, a work of art. We lined up the TP cores on their front step. Good times...

And before you get all judgemental on me for killing trees - I was 16! (And TP was like a quarter a roll then?!)

Anonymous said...

Logging a forest would be a superb teen prank.

Joanna said...

Considering most forests taken for paper were planted exclusively for that purpose, I always find it funny when people get upset over paper use. I'm all about recycling, but that's a bunch of trees that wouldn't have been there otherwise. The old-growth forests are pretty protected, and it's not like we can't grow more. :-P

Joltin' Django said...

Joanna: In this age of emotionalism and hypersensitivity, yours is a voice of reason!

Chana: 83 rolls? Bravo! When I was in 12th grade, one of my classmates worked at a 17,000-seat amphitheater near our school. He would, ahem, procure huge boxes of toilet paper with which we'd, well, you know. We once descended upon a teacher's house with a trunk FULL of toilet paper. We didn't count the rolls, but it had to be upwards of 60 or 70. After making the trees in his front yard look like 30-foot-tall mummies, we took the empty tubes around to the back yard and threw 'em all over for not-so-easy pickin' up. Good times!

(c) 2006, 2007, 2008