Monday, February 18, 2008

Hold your tongue.


Angela said...

I don't think I get it...

Delaney said...

But... lisps affect "s" sounds, not "p" sounds... I'm confused too. Maybe that's why there's the "naughty" part.

Grant said...

It makes more sense to me with the tongue holding thing, because I remember the first time someone had me hold my tongue with my fingers and say "apple" when I was like 8. Just try it if you don't get it.

Unknown said...

An asp is a snake. The apple is self self-explanatory. The lispy kid is the Devil from the garden of Eden.

Anonymous said...

beat me to it, Dave.

James Corachea said...

Nothing to do with the programming languages LISP and ASP on an Apple computer then.

Anonymous said...

i don't think that explanation makes any sense, Dave. how does the devil comprise a system wherein an apple as a subset of snakes?

i think we have to assume that what's meant is that if you talk like someone's holding your tongue, then apple sounds like asshole, which is a subset of your ass (which is what asp sounds like if yu hold your tongue).

Anonymous said...

not to mention there is no actual mention of an apple with respect to the garden of eden

(x, why?) said...

Well, they can't all be gems.

Anonymous said...

it's really amazing how many of them are, though, Mrburkemath. i think there's a lot of genius on this site.

(x, why?) said...

I'll definitely agree.
I'm enjoying reading through these.

I wandered in off a link from xkcd. Now I usually check here before I go there.

But as teacher who has gotten polite chuckles, outright laughter and the (more than) occasional blank stare(*), I know that they can't all be gems. (Heck, that was my motto for a while.)

(*)I'm sure that there's a graph equating my perception vs the reality of that statement.

(c) 2006, 2007, 2008