Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

What is A suppose to be?

Teratohmy said...

The whole point of the joke is when you realize what A is...

Paul Edelman said...
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Anonymous said...

i can't figure out what A would be. =/

Anonymous said...

Does A = action?

Anonymous said...

If A was action, then wouldn't it be the difference between talk and walk, a dream and reality, a plan and a resolution, not the similarity?

dream + action = reality
talk + action = walk
plan + action = resolution

Anonymous said...

good point...now I have no idea what A is.

darCwader said...

i am not getting what A is either.. :(

PsyGuy said...

1. great card :D
2. happy new year indexed :D

Anonymous said...

maybe im a kook... but it seems to me that A can be interpreted a number of ways.

For me, its not a joke... A is Manifest

when a dream is reality, it is manifested

when you walk the talk, the thought is manifested into reality

when you plan out how to put your resolution in to action... it is you guessed it manifested.

conversely A can be the no mans land of it never really happens.

i don't know... i got to go manifest me some Zs

Unknown said...

A is empty (that's why is not defined on the index card)

Paul Edelman said...

to me, A is the difference between talking the talk and actually walking the walk. similarly, it's the difference between dreams and reality. the clever part is that Jessica is equating new year's resolutions to dreams and idle talk. that is, they almost never get carried out.

happy trying, though.

Anonymous said...

The 'spirit of the new year' is embracing the idea of starting fresh. Putting aside everything that's happened (namely shortcomings) and having an optimistically clean slate with which to chalk up your previously-less-successful successes. You can walk the walk you've been talking about, you can make your plan into new resolve, you can make your dreams into reality.

That is A.

MS said...

A = results

Cath said...

I agree with J. The world is your oyster. A is making it happen. If you want it to.....

Anonymous said...

for all you people who don't get it...

read as is:

when A walk meets A talk

when A dream meets A reality

when A plan meets A resolution.

Anita Sarah Jackson said...

I love how it can be read pessimistically or optimistically. I'm a glass half-full type, but it makes a statement either way. Nice one.

Anonymous said...

As always, well said Jessica.

Keep up the good work. :)

Anonymous said...

Jess, I love how you get all this banter about what this could possibly mean; and you just let it go freely down it's own path.

Anonymous said...

If this makes sense, A is your determination. Or at least your drive is what determines A.
If youve got determination, then your dream/talk/resolution will be very similar reality/walk/plan; if you're coming up short in that department, well then don't be surprised if your d/t/r doesn't matche up at all with your r/w/p. It's all in your control. Make your choice.
Oh, and Jessica, keep the cards coming!

(c) 2006, 2007, 2008