Our alarms are well-behaved, but I've been woken up at silly-o'clock by the "OhNoez! You have 2 minutes to gracefully shut down half a dozen machines on two floors!" noise. Un-fun.
I'll look into PowerChute some day, but it'd only help for half of the machines.
my smoke alarm is set off by sudden air currents. Hence, closing the bathroom door too quickly or turning on the swamp cooler causes ear-drum bursting beeps and an adrenaline rush.
Ha! in our housing development, there were many, many complaints about the smoke alarms giving the low battery beep within a few weeks of putting in new batteries. They were hard wired, with battery back up, so the battery should've lasted a lot longer. Eventually, they said in the neighborhood newsletter that we had to use a particular brand and style of double A battery. It helped some, but I never really trusted the smoke detecting ability after that.
I, too, have experienced the low battery phenomena (which, it turned out, was somewhat intermittent). Embarrassingly, it took us quite a while to work out what was going on (because the noise was intermittent), and in that time I learned to sleep through it. So, now, I get a good night's sleep regardless of smoke alarm noise.
OMG, I HATE those things! Despite the words on the cover "twist to remove" it is impossible to do (especially while my eardrums are being seared by the beeps). The only way to stop it is to yank it out by the roots. Yeah, even in the kids' rooms. Annoying pieces of crap. I grew up without smoke alarms and turned out JUST FINE, thank you very much!
This site is a little project that lets me make fun of some things and sense of others.
I use it to think a little more relationally without resorting to doing actual math.
I've experienced this. :(
I think there's room for two more points:
lower-right = A good night's sleep
lower-left = Sleeping in false confidence
My smoke alarm is set off by high humidity:
summer + good battery = no sleep
Our alarms are well-behaved, but I've been woken up at silly-o'clock by the "OhNoez! You have 2 minutes to gracefully shut down half a dozen machines on two floors!" noise. Un-fun.
I'll look into PowerChute some day, but it'd only help for half of the machines.
Your blog is very interesting and the presentation so unique and hilarious. WOW way to go
my smoke alarm is set off by sudden air currents. Hence, closing the bathroom door too quickly or turning on the swamp cooler causes ear-drum bursting beeps and an adrenaline rush.
Ha! in our housing development, there were many, many complaints about the smoke alarms giving the low battery beep within a few weeks of putting in new batteries. They were hard wired, with battery back up, so the battery should've lasted a lot longer. Eventually, they said in the neighborhood newsletter that we had to use a particular brand and style of double A battery. It helped some, but I never really trusted the smoke detecting ability after that.
I, too, have experienced the low battery phenomena (which, it turned out, was somewhat intermittent). Embarrassingly, it took us quite a while to work out what was going on (because the noise was intermittent), and in that time I learned to sleep through it. So, now, I get a good night's sleep regardless of smoke alarm noise.
OMG, I HATE those things! Despite the words on the cover "twist to remove" it is impossible to do (especially while my eardrums are being seared by the beeps). The only way to stop it is to yank it out by the roots. Yeah, even in the kids' rooms. Annoying pieces of crap. I grew up without smoke alarms and turned out JUST FINE, thank you very much!
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