Monday, July 23, 2007

It ain't pretty.



ms hagy, you are a did you come up with this concept, and wow....who will pub book and when? i am in Taiwan and want to interview you and also think this book will work well in translation in Japan and Taiwan and China, among 35 other countries......a good way to learn English, too, for foreigners....

Moda di Magno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moda di Magno said...

Absolutely fantastic. Now THAT should be a t-shirt!

A Paperback Writer said...

Oh, this one's GOOD.
I am laughing.

Anonymous said...

Alternatively, "Leads to surgical strikes."

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that this should be a t-shirt.

Anonymous said...

This made my day!

I was very irritated by all the news of Bush's colon, and I think this pretty much sums up what I'd like to have said in a much better way.

I really enjoy your cards. :)

Anonymous said...

One of your best yet! And that's good company!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very very very good this one! :) Great stuff!

SMM said...

Nice. Polyps has to be one of the most disgusting words of all time. My father-in-law forwarded me your site after seeing it in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. I'd seen your video on YouTube already. Incredibly funny! Can you come spice up the power-point presentations at my office? Adding you to my blogroll...

Sarah M.

Mad Monk said...

This is why I love this blog...

dingobear said...

Haha! That's hilarious ...

Raj said...

very funny :)
your blog is quite amusing. keep it up!

Anonymous said...


But jude accidentally wrote "But only one" instead of "Both"!

Cigano Manolo said...

Is your book coming to Brazil too ?


Cigano Manolo said...
Is your book coming to Brazil too ?

I think her work would translate very well into other languages, maybe 20 countries can use the book. Sure.

ExExBlogger said...

I love this one. It's so funny!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Melanie. I got sick of hearing about Bush's colon all day. Just what I need to visualize... things being extracted from his rectum. Ew.


For those interested, there is an interview with Ms Hagy now up at

Anonymous said...

That was a great one!
Really good.

The Fat Girl Inside said...


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