Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Anybody? Anybody?


Rowan Manahan said...

Ferris would know the answer to that but he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious ...

Unknown said...

Well, as far as I as know, in Spain as everywhere, I agree with the "you" part of the curve but, with the speculation prices rising since long time ago there should be another curve growing from (0,0) to (infinite,infinite) and where both curves cross is the time of your life where you should sell your house, buy a one-bedroom-cool-designer-just-for-one-night-company-after-a-few-drinks flat in the city centre and buy a flashing car to easily attrack girls :)

amitscorpio said...

agree with you part!!!

Jorge said...


Lizzy said...

uh hunh... the unfortunate truth, I fear.

James Spencer said...

bourbon: is attrack a conglomeration of attract and attack?

Anonymous said...

That's so true.

MrsFife said...

I enjoy your graphs so much, I've tagged you for the Thinking Blogger award. I hope you don't mind.

Unknown said...

Seems awfully familiar. ;)

junebee said...

Ha ha, good one! Especially here, where the real-estate market is oversaturated. There are 7 homes (our of 67) on my block for sale.

Ms. Skywalker said...



The Squeaky Wheel said...

This hurts... this hurts

Anonymous said...

sobbing quietly

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