Seriously great blog... we're motivated to post at our blog ( each time you post another kickass card... thanks for such a great site!
Thank you my dear Barbara. You made my day, literally. Such a genious must not be playing little tent-like blog that you own. I am going to make you famous, not that your fame is any less without my help. Keep your good work and maybe, just maybe we can go hunting together in this vast, wasteland of mind gobbling "Blogsphere," Big place to get lost into, yet, thank almighty goddess, Kali,og Calcutta, India, I found you in an unheard of dark corner. You are a gem, my friend and I am the connoiseur of unpolished, rough, in their native, dark and dingy places, deep underground mines where gentlemen like yours truly never would have their prim and pristine boots. I would make you even happier, not that my joyful, mild comment was not sufficient, by my own series of spaces, circles, and squares designs. You certainly,inspired me.
Great blog. Have you thought about having an Indexed widget created, so people can add your cards to their site? Hugh McLeod does something similar on Gaping Void. I'm sure there's some helpful type out there who could assist with the script/code.
And I was told all of the really good ideas were taken...
If brevity is the soul of wit, then you are a master. I added it to my feed, and will pass the link on to the people who I think are smart enough to get it without a brain cramp.
Jessica - if you "play your cards right" you could easily pay off your house with this site. It is brilliant and will continue to be discovered by more and more intelligent folks. Keep up the inspiring work. Your wit is awesome.
You blog is truly wonderful- I discovered it by chance, and now I read it constantly, linking to all my friends so they can read it. You're so clever and witty and smart, this blog is #1. Thanks so much for posting, every single time its a pleasure! -litchykoko
Smart - but you're producing too much. There is no chance to give you a comment. Restrict yourself to one per day at maximum. But keep up the good work, it would make a great calendar BTW.
You don't have to thank us, we thank for your blog. Well, I linked your blog in my blog with the name: "Indexed: La lógica y la razón como usted siempre las quiso ver"
This site is a little project that lets me make fun of some things and sense of others.
I use it to think a little more relationally without resorting to doing actual math.
you're welcome, ASSHOLE!!
No, thank you. This is a fantastic blog. Keep up the good work.
barbara - keep your negative comments to yourself!
i love this site - cracks me up all the time. :P
Seriously great blog... we're motivated to post at our blog ( each time you post another kickass card... thanks for such a great site!
Hint, hint.
Hilarious and clever. Great work.
Thank you my dear Barbara. You made my day, literally. Such a genious must not be playing little tent-like blog that you own. I am going to make you famous, not that your fame is any less without my help. Keep your good work and maybe, just maybe we can go hunting together in this vast, wasteland of mind gobbling "Blogsphere," Big place to get lost into, yet, thank almighty goddess, Kali,og Calcutta, India, I found you in an unheard of dark corner. You are a gem, my friend and I am the connoiseur of unpolished, rough, in their native, dark and dingy places, deep underground mines where gentlemen like yours truly never would have their prim and pristine boots.
I would make you even happier, not that my joyful, mild comment was not sufficient, by my own series of spaces, circles, and squares designs. You certainly,inspired me.
Sid Harth
This is a comment. And this is a trackback!
Congrats on being digged. :)
Genial! poesia visual.
Your blog is awesome. It's smart, sometimes funny, sometimes really gives me a reason to think. Thank you very much and greetings.
No, thank you! I love this site, and I'm frequently showing the cards to friends and coworkers. Thank you for making the Internet a happier place =)
Got some great ideas after a quick visit to your blog. I may adapt (ie steal) them!
wonderful concept... u use set theory to expain tricky human relationships
This is the best blog around, I check in every day and have been expounding it's virtues to all, especially the non-blog folks.
Thank YOU for this burst of creativity and light.
That's... sweet.
Thank YOU -- I get such pleasure out of your drawings. They make me smile, make me think. Do you take suggestions of topics? I have one. :-)
Your observations are brilliant. Keep it up.
I read it every day, and I have you on my 'timewasters' links because I'll come and read the new ones (and back logs) for hours (sad but true)
I love you!
Thank you to Seth Godin for pointing me to you!
Great blog!
I've linky dinked you and will visit often.
great blog!
You managed to carve your own niche in the blogosphere with subtle creativity. Thanks for a great blog, and please keep those cards coming.
Clever idea!
Great blog. Have you thought about having an Indexed widget created, so people can add your cards to their site? Hugh McLeod does something similar on Gaping Void. I'm sure there's some helpful type out there who could assist with the script/code.
And I was told all of the really good ideas were taken...
If brevity is the soul of wit, then you are a master. I added it to my feed, and will pass the link on to the people who I think are smart enough to get it without a brain cramp.
It doesn't get much more brilliant than this. LOVE it. And will continue to link to it often.
The best blog in the internet!
really, this is the only "blog" i visit. i love it. keep it up.
Me gusta.
From Spain...
This is a wonderful bit of fun. I got here from Seth Goding site. I look forward to more!
Trying to be like GapingVoid? Well - you miss.
Copying another guy's concept is not being a Purple Cow.
Your blog is the first one that prompted me to actually use RSS so I could see updates quickly and easily.
Also the venn diagram of "Champagne or the Bends" is now hanging on one of the office doors here at work.
_We_ are the ones that should be thanking you. Keep up your awesome work!
Absolutely great blog, thank YOU! I've "quoted" it several times, most recently:
Got here from Seth Godin's - this site is incredible - keep it up.
linked from Seth as well. Great work here, thank you!
Yeah, you know, this is kind of like Gaping Void, except indexed is actually interesting.
You're awesome, Hagy. Keep it up.
Don't let the fame or the criticism get to you.
And don't forget to update the available T-Shirts occasionally.
wit - give me a good laugh - cutest graphs ever
a - your site!
it has all been said already, just discovered and now I am hooked
Hmm, must of missed Babs' original post but wut-eva... indexed is brilliant!
Yay! Happiness!
Oh my god! They're on index cards!! Now I get it!!!
Keep it cool...
Your circles are hot! Keep em comin.
Jessica - if you "play your cards right" you could easily pay off your house with this site. It is brilliant and will continue to be discovered by more and more intelligent folks. Keep up the inspiring work. Your wit is awesome.
*chuckle* .. Love it! .. Subscribed!
We are hooked!
Kind regards
Fuelmyblog team
Gracias a ti :)
You blog is truly wonderful- I discovered it by chance, and now I read it constantly, linking to all my friends so they can read it. You're so clever and witty and smart, this blog is #1.
Thanks so much for posting, every single time its a pleasure!
A must visit. Thanks!
I love your blog, so thank you too.
Love your work... and your play
Might I ask "Barbara, why do you read Indexed"?
I read it because it makes me pause to think.....
Funny in an unfunny world.
And thank you for the awesome idea and wonderful execution (in the nicest way) - here's to many more
simple, creative, brilliant stuff... you've got a free place to stay in Thailand if you decide to visit!
This is a fabulous blog!
Great stuff! Thanks, it's fun and thought-provoking, a rare combination worthy perhaps of one of your charts/diagrams!
Imagine a graph with the X-Axis as number of brain cells stimulated and the y-axis as number of words.
Most blogs reside in the upper left corner. Yours sits comfortably in the lower right.
I just found this blog via feministe, and, um, I think I'm in love.
good stuff ;)
You're welcome! Love your blog, keep it up, and ignore the idiots, they're just jealous.
I hate gratuitous insults, but... roy dahl is a prat.
Whereas, this blog makes my day every day. It's a joy.
I'm in awe of your talent to make it all look so simple yet it's all so very clever.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Stay Beautiful... and this would be her neck....
Are you kidding? Thank you! These are more amusing than Doonesbury. ;-)
Smart and funny. Keep it up! :)
Never mind those that insult. There are, after all, more than 55 million other blogs to read if they don't like yours.
Lovely work, lovely blog.
Brilliant. It's all I can say.
Smart - but you're producing too much. There is no chance to give you a comment. Restrict yourself to one per day at maximum. But keep up the good work, it would make a great calendar BTW.
You don't have to thank us, we thank for your blog.
Well, I linked your blog in my blog with the name: "Indexed: La lógica y la razón como usted siempre las quiso ver"
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