Sunday, December 31, 2006

Think long term.


Anonymous said...

Some students (read: most students) SUCK. Funny how teachers are supposed to be "devoted." Why can't teaching be just a job like any other (particularly when the pay is so bad)?

Anonymous said...

Every job expects results; if your results are bad, you tend to be held in disdain and/or lose your job. So if by "like any other job" you mean "held accountable for your results" then yes, it should be like any other job.

And $40k to $55k (the national average for teachers in the US) is not a bad salary for 9 - 10 months out of the year.

Anonymous said...

Ah, spoken like people who've probably logged endless hours in public education.

Anonymous said...

As far as I can tell, there's no link at all between our devotion and how our pension fund does--it has more to do with the number of exotic vacations the executives in charge of the fund take, and the number of schools that hire double-dipping retirees.

Too bad, she seemed so enlightened in the other comics...

Anonymous said...

40k-55K??? I'm a third year teacher making $29k. And it's ten months, not nine.

(c) 2006, 2007, 2008