Friday, September 15, 2006

Write it all off.


Shlomocles said...

I believe that should be "People for whom, when they walk..." Also, what about Imams? Just cause they don't drink, they don't get a bubble? What if they just wanted to go to the bar with some friends and eat some peanuts? Are you saying they shouldn't be allowed in? Frankly I'm offended. My blog would never include anything remotely of this sort.


-- oh yeah, there was a plug coming, you had to know there was a plug coming...

Anonymous said...

Hey SHLOMOCLES!! Old bag says something that is right!!! if you do not agree, Just do a little experiment: Go to your local sanctuarium, do not give money for a month and wait to see what happens!!!

two bits said...

3 religious leaders (of any faith or denomination, to suit local prejudice) are talking about how much money one should give to their religious organization.
The first one says, "I draw a circle on the ground, throw money in the air, and whatever lands in the circle, I give to charity"
The second one says, "I draw a circle on the ground, throw money in the air, and whatever lands outside the circle, I give to charity"
The third one says, "I draw a circle on the ground, throw money in the air, and whatever God wants, he keeps."

two bits said...
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